Thursday, December 17, 2009
Visit to Santa
Friday, November 6, 2009
Walking when convenient
For Halloween, Andrew was going to go as Daddy's Little Sidekick (a set of superhero pajamas), but at the last minute we got some adorable pumpkin-but PJs from Lynn's aunt, and we realized that he could be a superhero all winter but the PJs with pumpkins, bats, and black cats were more time-sensitive. We didn't go trick-or-treating because, frankly, we didn't think he would eat candy. Turns out we were wrong: Mommy opened up a Laffy Taffy, and Andrew reached up, grabbed it from her, and shoved it in his mouth ravenously. Good thing he's so good at brushing his teeth!!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Standing, clapping, laughing and even a step
Andrew has been a very busy boy lately. He is getting very good at standing up on his own and applauds himself. The first time he did it he looked at us like "are you getting this, yep I stand" then sat back down. We also had a great time with grandma and grandad in town the other weekend. Grandad ran a marathon (getting a new "PR"--personal record of 3:37!) so Andrew "ran" his own race that weekend--the Diaper Dash. As one of my co-workers commented when I was describing the race to them it's like a turtle race--put all the racers in the center of a circle and the first to the outer circle is the winner. Andrew from what we could determine was the first baby to crawl to the outer circle (a few bigger kids gave up on crawling and stood up and walked/ran, which disqualifies them in my book).
On Sunday, October 11, Andrew went for some fancy pictures and did very well. See this one of Andrew showing off his crawling moves. He also stood and clapped and played with his new red ball. It was fun. We are getting excited that we are less than 2 months from his first birthday.
Ok, so for everyone following, we hope you are well and sorry it has taken so long to get a posting!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Friday, August 21, 2009
He's Crawling
Well, he has been for a while, but I've been pretty bad about updating this thing. In fact, we've had a lot of fun all summer with no updates. Briefly, we went to Chautauqua at the end of June and saw Sesame Street Live, Andrew is up to 6 teeth, he's unstoppable with his mobility, and Aunt Emily came to visit for the summer. Comment if you want longer entries on any of those points, but otherwise I think I'll just endeavor to be better in the future rather than going back and trying to recapitulate past events.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Andy's Wedding
This past weekend, Andrew and his parents went the wedding of Nick's cousin Andy, who is the reason we always refer to Andrew by his full name. Even more important than the wedding, at least from Andrew's standpoint, was the opportunity for a string of firsts. It was his first time on an airplane, first time meeting his same-age (+/- 2 months) cousins, first time being passed around from stranger to stranger (all family, of course), and his first time in a swimming pool!
On the plane ride to North Carolina, Andrew was perfectly behaved the entire first couple hours and only became fussy for a couple minutes during the pressure change on the way down. The ride home was a little bit more eventful, but nothing compared to the 2-year-old a couple rows behind us. Other passengers complimented him on his behavior!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Sicky Baby
It's been a while since the last post, and yet much of the news on Andrew since then has been his being sick. He has been super-stuffy off and on for a couple weeks now, and he even got the eye crusting for a little while. For those unfamiliar with the phenomenon, apparently babies can get so stuffed up that the mucous starts coming out through their eyes and then crusts over. Aren't you glad you read this? Anyway, we were keeping that under control with an aspirator and saline drops, and all was well. That is until two days ago when we got a call (actually several calls and an email) telling us that Andrew had a temperature of 102.9! We picked him up immediately and have kept him at home yesterday and today. The diagnosis? Baby's first ear infection. Yeah!! He's actually handled it really well. He is a little more fussy and a little less happy than usual, but not by much. He's still an adorable, happy, smiley, mostly bald little boy.
In non-medical news, it seems that Andrew is growing by leaps and bounds. Since the last post, he has gained nearly two pounds! What used to be our skinny lanky little boy is now a chunky monkey. He has even grown out of clothes, a feat I never imagined was possible. I guess I just assumed he would be that tiny forever. He is also showing the very beginning signs of sitting and crawling. He can tripod-sit (or "gorilla sit" as Lynn calls it) for a few seconds at a time, before accelerating forward into a face plant (we try to catch him as often as possible). We're also giving him lots of tummy time, during which he has figured out how to push with him arms OR his legs, but he hasn't quite figured out how to do both at the same time. He does manage to pivot on his tummy a bit to get his toys. He likes toys. That's my boy!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Summary Statement
1. Andrew just gets cuter with time. If this trend continues, I don't know what we're going to do. We may never be able to put him down again.
2. I am grateful for such a wonderful wife with whom to share this adventure and for such caring friends and family who actually stop by every once in a while to check up on how Andrew is doing. He is lucky to have a small village already looking out for him.
The Bald Man and the Serpent
Saturday, April 11, 2009
First Easter
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
First St. Patrick's Day (A little late)
He also wore the shirt seen here, which is mostly true. As far as we know, Andrew is 5/16 Irish, which we feel is sufficient to claim Irishhood, especially since it is a plurality (equal with German, all from Mommy's side of the family). And since he's been to Ireland, even more reason! So what if he was still inside Mommy and approximately the size of a kidney bean. And we followed the instructions on his shirt several times that day.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Video Updates
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Week 2
Lynn declared Andrew to have made his first laugh a couple days ago. He's been smiling a lot for weeks now, and he's been vocalizing a LOT (must take after his Daddy), but he finally put the two together. I remember my cousin Jon saying his wife could make Cody (Jon's son) squeal about this age, so maybe Andrew is right on track. Lynn finds it slightly amusing that much of his smiley time with Daddy is on the changing table and while getting dressed. He apparently doesn't find getting dressed with Mommy quite as entertaining. We have video of a conversation that hopefully we'll post soon.
Andrew still looks bald in a lot of the photos we take, though Lynn just claims that his hair is "invisible". I guess she's not used to Davenport babies. He's got Lynn's eyes and mouth, but I can definitely claim the scalp!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Better Days
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Daycare Woes
Friday, February 27, 2009
Good sleeper
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Happy Morning Baby
We woke up this morning after a very good night (6.5 hours straight) to find our baby in his crib flipped to his side and exploring the elephant toy that hangs next to him. Awake, but playing happily alone. He has been showing a lot more grasping and self-play the past week, much of it with the dangling toys in his bouncer. He has also been bubbling quite a bit, which I guess is a more "advanced" form of the drooling he was doing earlier. He seems quite proud of himself for blowing bubbles, but he is also quite happy when we wipe his face (usually).
Andrew's other recent developments are the proliferation of the social smile and saying "a-goo". When the aunts were here, Emily became an expert at getting him to smile. She would gently brush his cheek, and he would grin from ear to ear. Jenny never achieved quite the same level of response, but he was clearly happy to have both of them there. Along with the smiling, Andrew is trying very hard to communicate verbally with us. He is obviously not saying anything too intelligible, but his parents are hard at work trying to figure out his sounds. The only thing we've picked up so far, and it might just be wishful thinking, is that he gets really happy when he hears his name. He also got really good at saying "goooo" (as most babies do), and then started adding "ah" at the beginning. I swear he's trying to say "Andrew". He probably has no idea that it's his name, but I think he's realizing that his parents say the word a lot and they always seem so happy when they say it. Perhaps he thinks "Andrew" means "best thing ever", which, in a way, it does.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Doctor Thumbs Up
The past couple days Andrew has enjoyed meeting his Aunt Emily and Aunt Jenny (Nick's sisters) who came to visit him. They have been impressed with what a good boy he is (usually), especially on our outings. Then again, if they heard any of the activity last night, they may have gotten a better idea of his true range (Lynn was up at least 3 times, and Nick helped a couple times too). He was probably just too excited about having his aunts here to sleep.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Birthdays Galore
Thursday, February 5, 2009
To the Zoo!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Excuse to post a photo
We took some pictures this weekend, and they were just too cute to keep to ourselves, so here they are. In terms of news, Andy had his first play date today with Russell, his friend who was born two rooms down from us in the hospital. His parents Rita and Tim are friends of ours from church, so we're hoping the boys become good friends so they can raise Cain together. Lynn says Andrew was well-behaved the whole two hours, alert and smiling the whole time. Apparently he was just happy to be somewhere new, like a little Mr. Excitement. On one hand, his father was also notorious for being happy in any situation, so there's a Nature influence. On the other hand, Ruggles has been known to get excited no matter where we take him, so Nurture may be at work too. Either way, we're just happy that we can dress him up AND take him out.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Another Weight Check
In other news, Andrew has started making real facial expressions (e.g. social smiles) recently, occasionally mimicking his parents, which is quite exciting. He is also very good at tracking things and likes to bop the toys that dangle into his playpen, and he's cooing up a storm. To be fair, Lynn has been noticing these behaviors for a couple weeks, but he is now doing them at increasing frequency. It's amazing to watch him go from a blob that is desperately trying to make sense of our confusing world to a small mammal figuring out how to interact with it.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Chunky Monkey
Although it hasn't been mentioned a whole lot here, we have been struggling for several weeks to get Andrew back to his birth weight. For a while we were giving him an extra 2 oz of formula 3 times a day, to supplement what Lynn could provide, along with occasional pumping to increase milk supply. Still not enough, though I should mention that he was healthy in every other respect - just a little skinny.
At his one month visit (at 5 weeks old), the doctor said it was time to stop fooling around and start really forcing the calories into him. She recommended adding a scoop of formula (which would normally be mixed with 2 oz of water) to every 2 oz of breast milk and giving him 4 oz bottles of formula with 3 scoops instead of 2 oz bottles with 1 scoop. The result: Andrew's weight on January 18 was officially 8 lbs 9 oz (up from 7 lbs 14 oz on January 15). Hooray!! I weighed him unofficially on our bathroom scale last night, and he was close to 10 lbs. Double hooray!
Otherwise the whole family is doing well. Nick has returned to work, though he misses his family greatly. Both sets of parents have made an appearance for a couple days, and everyone agrees that photographs cannot capture just how beautiful this little boy is. And today is Ruggles' birthday, so happiness abounds!