Tuesday, November 8, 2011
And baby makes... four
Alexander is doing quite well (retaining weight, no jaundice, etc.) and literally gets more beautiful every day. He started with a full head of dark hair like his mother, but there are already signs of it getting lighter (not surprising if you know my side of the family). He has been observing every little thing since he first opened his eyes, and I swear he's already trying to figure out how to make a social smile. On the downside, he fights sleep more than anyone I've ever encountered. His brother is a master of fighting sleep, but I think Alexander could surpass him quickly.
Mom is doing less well. No major medical problems to worry about, but her legs haven't recovered from the stress as well as they did the first time, so she's having more trouble getting around. But every day is better than the last, so I'm sure she will be almost back to full capacity, in terms of leg strength at least, by the time I go back to work.
First Haircut
When we got home, we made some "ghost brownies" (it was a kit from Target, 70% off after Halloween), and Andrew was an excellent helper. He measured spoonfuls of water, stirred very gently, and didn't get mad at Daddy for forgetting to grease the pan before pouring in the mix (Daddy remembered midway through and poured it all back into the bowl, greased the pan, and poured it again). He also got himself and Mommy a brownie, without Daddy's knowledge, before we had a chance to add the marshmallow ghosts and frosting. But it all worked out in the end, and we had a fun afternoon. He is an amazing helper, and very good at sharing. There are times that Daddy could learn some patience from his son. Not a lot, but some for sure.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Still here
Andrew is super-excited about being a big boy, now that he has a big boy room and wears big boy underwear, so he is adamant that he is no longer a baby. He is, therefore, very willing to let someone else take that role. I think part of him wonders what will happen when the baby is outside of Mommy instead of inside, but most of his interactions suggest he will be a good big brother. When we ask him what we should call the baby, he invariably tells us "Andrew". It is a good name for a baby, but I think we'll go with something different this time.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Big Brother
While most people who read this are already aware, I thought I would make it "internet official" by posting it on the blog. Perhaps we need to change the name to the Bean and Monkey Blog now. Andrew is looking forward to being a brother, at least as far as we can tell. Then again he hasn't actually met the baby yet, so we'll see how long that lasts.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Welcome to winter!
Andrew's 2nd birthday went very well. We had a party with his two best friends (and one older brother and associated parents) at our house. Andrew danced with joy when his friends arrived. It was so much fun to see them all playing together.
Andrew can now identify Santa, reindeer and Frosty and we frequently hear about them if they are spotted anywhere--in a book, on television, card, catalog, billboard... Christmas is coming!
Fall catch up
Sunday, September 26, 2010
New House
Well, it's been a long time since our last post due almost entirely to the time-consuming nature of packing, moving, and unpacking all our stuff with a toddler running around. We have a new home that is bigger, younger than us, and has a couple more bedrooms and bathrooms, but it has a lot of stairs, which Andrew is very slowly getting used to. In the relative calm of the past few weeks, we went to the apple orchard twice, once with Grandma and Granddad and once with our friends the Moons, and Mommy hosted a party!! That last part was actually pretty exciting.