After nearly 3 years, Andrew finally got his first haircut. He was a little anxious about sitting in the chair and all, but once he got situated with lollypop in mouth and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on the TV, the hairdresser could have done anything and he wouldn't have minded. He definitely has his father's hair in terms of the back sticking up when it gets too short, so she put in some "product" to keep it down. She also asked whether he wanted any color, and his response was predictable to anyone who has ever discussed colors with him in the past 6 months: blue. He LOVES blue. Coincidentally, his sucker was blue, so his tongue matched his hair. He was a trooper, and he looks a lot cleaner cut, but I gotta admit I kinda miss my shaggy little boy.
When we got home, we made some "ghost brownies" (it was a kit from Target, 70% off after Halloween), and Andrew was an excellent helper. He measured spoonfuls of water, stirred very gently, and didn't get mad at Daddy for forgetting to grease the pan before pouring in the mix (Daddy remembered midway through and poured it all back into the bowl, greased the pan, and poured it again). He also got himself and Mommy a brownie, without Daddy's knowledge, before we had a chance to add the marshmallow ghosts and frosting. But it all worked out in the end, and we had a fun afternoon. He is an amazing helper, and very good at sharing. There are times that Daddy could learn some patience from his son. Not a lot, but some for sure.
When we got home, we made some "ghost brownies" (it was a kit from Target, 70% off after Halloween), and Andrew was an excellent helper. He measured spoonfuls of water, stirred very gently, and didn't get mad at Daddy for forgetting to grease the pan before pouring in the mix (Daddy remembered midway through and poured it all back into the bowl, greased the pan, and poured it again). He also got himself and Mommy a brownie, without Daddy's knowledge, before we had a chance to add the marshmallow ghosts and frosting. But it all worked out in the end, and we had a fun afternoon. He is an amazing helper, and very good at sharing. There are times that Daddy could learn some patience from his son. Not a lot, but some for sure.
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