Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Excuse to post a photo

We took some pictures this weekend, and they were just too cute to keep to ourselves, so here they are. In terms of news, Andy had his first play date today with Russell, his friend who was born two rooms down from us in the hospital. His parents Rita and Tim are friends of ours from church, so we're hoping the boys become good friends so they can raise Cain together. Lynn says Andrew was well-behaved the whole two hours, alert and smiling the whole time. Apparently he was just happy to be somewhere new, like a little Mr. Excitement. On one hand, his father was also notorious for being happy in any situation, so there's a Nature influence. On the other hand, Ruggles has been known to get excited no matter where we take him, so Nurture may be at work too. Either way, we're just happy that we can dress him up AND take him out.

1 comment:

Tricia said...

Very cute pics.....He is a good looking guy in a sweater vest!