Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Andy's Wedding

This past weekend, Andrew and his parents went the wedding of Nick's cousin Andy, who is the reason we always refer to Andrew by his full name. Even more important than the wedding, at least from Andrew's standpoint, was the opportunity for a string of firsts. It was his first time on an airplane, first time meeting his same-age (+/- 2 months) cousins, first time being passed around from stranger to stranger (all family, of course), and his first time in a swimming pool!

On the plane ride to North Carolina, Andrew was perfectly behaved the entire first couple hours and only became fussy for a couple minutes during the pressure change on the way down. The ride home was a little bit more eventful, but nothing compared to the 2-year-old a couple rows behind us. Other passengers complimented him on his behavior!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Sicky Baby

It's been a while since the last post, and yet much of the news on Andrew since then has been his being sick. He has been super-stuffy off and on for a couple weeks now, and he even got the eye crusting for a little while. For those unfamiliar with the phenomenon, apparently babies can get so stuffed up that the mucous starts coming out through their eyes and then crusts over. Aren't you glad you read this? Anyway, we were keeping that under control with an aspirator and saline drops, and all was well. That is until two days ago when we got a call (actually several calls and an email) telling us that Andrew had a temperature of 102.9! We picked him up immediately and have kept him at home yesterday and today. The diagnosis? Baby's first ear infection. Yeah!! He's actually handled it really well. He is a little more fussy and a little less happy than usual, but not by much. He's still an adorable, happy, smiley, mostly bald little boy.

In non-medical news, it seems that Andrew is growing by leaps and bounds. Since the last post, he has gained nearly two pounds! What used to be our skinny lanky little boy is now a chunky monkey. He has even grown out of clothes, a feat I never imagined was possible. I guess I just assumed he would be that tiny forever. He is also showing the very beginning signs of sitting and crawling. He can tripod-sit (or "gorilla sit" as Lynn calls it) for a few seconds at a time, before accelerating forward into a face plant (we try to catch him as often as possible). We're also giving him lots of tummy time, during which he has figured out how to push with him arms OR his legs, but he hasn't quite figured out how to do both at the same time. He does manage to pivot on his tummy a bit to get his toys. He likes toys. That's my boy!