Saturday, August 6, 2011

Still here

Sorry about the lack of updates, all you faithful fans of Andrew. It's been 2 months since our last post, and most of the summer has passed us by. We've traveled to Nana's house to see cousins (and Granddad run fast), had a week-long fever, and learned that "parents" means Mommy and Daddy. We've also felt the baby in Mommy's belly move a LOT, which makes me want to get back into the habit of blogging so we can keep everyone up to date as things progress in the coming months.

Andrew is super-excited about being a big boy, now that he has a big boy room and wears big boy underwear, so he is adamant that he is no longer a baby. He is, therefore, very willing to let someone else take that role. I think part of him wonders what will happen when the baby is outside of Mommy instead of inside, but most of his interactions suggest he will be a good big brother. When we ask him what we should call the baby, he invariably tells us "Andrew". It is a good name for a baby, but I think we'll go with something different this time.