Monday, January 26, 2009

Another Weight Check

We went in for another weight check yesterday, and Andrew was up another 3 oz. Hooray! Any increase is a reason to celebrate at this point. However, we got lectured by one of the other pediatricians in the office (not our primary pediatrician, who we think is excellent) because he did not gain at least half an ounce per day (he was half an ounce under that guideline). But we will just take from that lecture what is helpful and discard what is just WAY overcautious.

In other news, Andrew has started making real facial expressions (e.g. social smiles) recently, occasionally mimicking his parents, which is quite exciting. He is also very good at tracking things and likes to bop the toys that dangle into his playpen, and he's cooing up a storm. To be fair, Lynn has been noticing these behaviors for a couple weeks, but he is now doing them at increasing frequency. It's amazing to watch him go from a blob that is desperately trying to make sense of our confusing world to a small mammal figuring out how to interact with it.

1 comment:

Tricia said...

Love the anthropological viewpoint on Andrew's new development!