Tuesday, November 8, 2011

And baby makes... four

Alexander Nicholas was born very late Tuesday November 1 after a very long labor process.  The short version is that we went to the hospital at 2am Monday morning at an appropriate stage, especially considering that the doctors wanted to get two doses of antibiotics, 4 hours apart, before the delivery (long story).  Things progressed well towards that direction until about 6am when they came to a screeching halt... and then reversed a bit.  The kid started swimming laps (at 41 weeks!!) and got out of the perfect headstand he had been doing for the previous month.  We got kiddo flipped around and then had a couple interventions to help things along while he was still in that position.  Mom still had to do all the normal contracting and pushing and such, and she was absolutely amazing, and in the end we got a perfect little person.  It took nearly two full days, but we got him out eventually, which is all that matters in the end.
    Alexander is doing quite well (retaining weight, no jaundice, etc.) and literally gets more beautiful every day.  He started with a full head of dark hair like his mother, but there are already signs of it getting lighter (not surprising if you know my side of the family).  He has been observing every little thing since he first opened his eyes, and I swear he's already trying to figure out how to make a social smile.  On the downside, he fights sleep more than anyone I've ever encountered.  His brother is a master of fighting sleep, but I think Alexander could surpass him quickly.
    Mom is doing less well.  No major medical problems to worry about, but her legs haven't recovered from the stress as well as they did the first time, so she's having more trouble getting around.  But every day is better than the last, so I'm sure she will be almost back to full capacity, in terms of leg strength at least, by the time I go back to work.

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